Sep 2010
Sep 2010
Students at Palawan Sate University seem to get pregnant with alarming regularity. Susan examines the possible causes for this and what Roots of Health is doing to help.
Sep 2010
For a nurse, moving from a hospital to a community setting can take a bit of adjustment. Josh Gulane, the Roots of Health nurse writes about her experiences and conclusions regarding the matter.
Aug 2010
Cooking for one hundred people is no easy task. Rhealyn explains how we do it.
Roots of Health weighs in on the Reproductive Health debate that is raging in the Philippines.
Aug 2010
Roots of Health (Ugat ng Kalusugan) has been featured in the August edition of Smile Magazine, the in-flight magazine of Cebu Pacific Air. The article, by Katherine Jack, is about the 'Brain Gain', Filipinos who are returning to their homeland to make a difference.
Susan Evangelista describes the modifications that have been made to the Child and Maternal Health Programs in Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
Jul 2010
Jul 2010
Roots of Health nurse Josylyn Gulane recounts some of her experiences at Pulang Lupa during her first two months.