Children as young as 12 can legally have sex. Until they are 18 if they want to access HIV testing or contraceptives they need to get parental consent. This issue recently came to a head when two boys asked us for help with STI symptoms.

We have passed the 100 day mark in his presidency, but to date President Duterte has not moved forward on his promise to support this Law. Women are waiting.

Roots of Health reaches over 16,000 girls and women with our holistic approach to women's health, which includes sex education, clinical services, community-based health support and life skills training.

This October Roots of Health began a partnership with the Philippine Navy to provide services to remote island communities. For the first mission we traveled to Balabac, an island off the southern tip of Palawan. The mission was physically grueling but well worth it as we have changed the lives of many women there.

Does jumping up and down after sex prevent pregnancy? A shocking 83% of more than 1,000 young people recently taught reproductive health education in Puerto Princesa City said yes.

This week, Save the Children released a new report suggesting that Filipino ‘shortness’ isn’t just a natural genetic trait of Filipinos, but rather is due to generations of maternal and child malnutrition. Undernourished mothers give birth to undernourished children.

How do you reach young people in geographically isolated areas? This was the problem Roots of Health faced before starting a radio show to give adolescents the information they need to make informed decisions.

World Contraception Day focuses on empowering young people to think ahead and build contraception into their future plans, to prevent unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

We invited renowned sex psychologist, Dr. Margie Holmes to come to Palawan to work with students to talk about their concerns and develop a reproductive health curriculum.

When our midwife was alerted to an issue with a newborn's cord, she soon discovered that it was not the newborn that was in need to critical medical attention, but the mother.