Cooking for one hundred people is no easy task. Rhealyn explains how we do it.

Susan Evangelista has 'wow' moment during a Board of Directors meeting and thinks about how the idea of Roots of Health has rippled across the globe.

Ami Evangelista Swanepoel looks back at what Roots of Health has accomplished in it's first year of operation.

May 2010


Ami Swanepoel celebrates her birthday at Pulang Lupa with the community that Roots of Health has been working with for the past 5 months.

Roots of Health erects vertical gardens in the Philippines to empower women to eat healthy food.

Sara Evangelista, Ami's sister shares her personal experience being on the Roots of Health Advisory Committee.

Feb 2010

Going Vertical

Roots of Health does some training in making vertical farms to promote food security among the residents of Pulang Lupa, Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

Feb 2010

Does a Body Good

“Finish your milk, Rachel.” Growing up I heard this refrain thousands of times from my mother. Her urgings usually came at the end of my meal after I had cleaned my plate and was trying my best to ignore the glass of untouched milk before me. But my mother was persistent: “Milk is good for you, Rachel. It will help you grow up big and strong.” I, however, could not

As with every month since we started working in the Philippines, December was another very busy month for Ugat ng Kalusugan! I started off the month with 3 days of back to back to back meetings in Manila with other organizations focused on maternal and child health and reproductive health. The people I met with were incredibly helpful and I am so thankful for their generosity in sharing their time

Nov 2009

Pulang Lupa

November has been a busy and important month for Roots of Health. Since my last blog update, we completed our needs assessment. In analyzing the data as well as our general observations from being in the communities, we have decided to begin our programs and service delivery in a community in Santa Lourdes called “Pulang Lupa” (meaning “red earth”) which is a part of Purok Matahimik. It is the community