Jul 2010

Lucky in Life

Roots of Health nurse Josylyn Gulane recounts some of her experiences at Pulang Lupa during her first two months.

Susan Evangelista has 'wow' moment during a Board of Directors meeting and thinks about how the idea of Roots of Health has rippled across the globe.

Roots of Health turns one and Rhealyn Paliza describes her journey as a maternal health worker here in Palawan.

Ami Evangelista Swanepoel looks back at what Roots of Health has accomplished in it's first year of operation.

Keefe Murren, a documentary filmmaker came to Palawan to film Roots of Health in action.

Susan Evangelista writes on the balance between delivering much-needed services and the question of long-term sustainability in Pulang Lupa.

Myths about sexually transmitted diseases that Roots of Health has encountered during our work in Pulang Lupa.

A blog describing how our program assistant, Rhealyn Paliza is employing the skills she learned as a teacher here in Palawan.

Ugat ng Kalusugan has officially begun its Maternal Health Program in Puerto Princesa. Ami describes the first sessions with the mothers.

Jan 2010

Life Happens

Lyn-Lyn, the Ugat ng Kalusugan Associate Program Manager writes about her unplanned pregnancy and how the experience shapes her work with mothers in Puerto Princesa.