Because of strict COVID-19 lockdown rules, women can’t even visit a health facility or pharmacy two blocks away to get birth control. Meanwhile, contraceptive supplies are dwindling in health facilities due to supply chain disruptions. This could lead to a surge in unplanned pregnancies. An unplanned pregnancy disrupts a woman’s life in so many ways—even more so during a pandemic of this magnitude. With little to no opportunities to work,

Having a baby when you want it, and are ready for it. This doesn’t sound like much to ask for, but growing up in the Philippines, Annabelle didn’t think she had these choices. Now she know better and educates her community on how they can improve their lives as well.

This October Roots of Health began a partnership with the Philippine Navy to provide services to remote island communities. For the first mission we traveled to Balabac, an island off the southern tip of Palawan. The mission was physically grueling but well worth it as we have changed the lives of many women there.

You have to respect a woman who gives birth in a hut, far from a medical facility. Even more so when she does so with a smile. Roots of Health nurses and Lyn-Lyn were able to ensure that at least qualified medical personal were on hand.