Check out the short movie by filmmaker Keefe Murren, explaining our community health work with women and children in Palawan, Philippines. You won't be disappointed.

Susan went along with Ami, Lyn Lyn and Jane last Wednesday to observe the afternoon reproductive health class. She was mostly there just to see a session fist hand, but was roped in for one of the charade activities.

Sep 2009

About Us

Roots of Health empowers women and girls to secure their right to health and freedom from violence, and to support and protect the health and well-being of their children. We conduct educational workshops and provide health counseling and services as well as nutritional support.

Brown University health researcher, Margeaux Berroth conducted a two-month intensive assessment of the health needs of the students of Palawan State University, Puerto Princesa. She found that many young people are having sex against the wishes of a church, family or other affiliated community, and that many are engaging in unprotected sex.